Agro, Inc.
Nombre d'employés
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Contact ou site web
Compétences recherchées
- 2Stratégie d’entreprise
- 1Maïs
- 1Gestion du marketing
- 1Pétrole
- 1Analyse de marché
- 1Marketing
- 1Gestion de programmes
- 1Développement international
- 1Marketing international
- 1Développement d'affaires internationales
- 1Commerce international
- 1Questions relatives à l’Afrique
- 1Planification de projets
- 1Stratégie marketing
- 1analytiques
Les postes occupés par les employés
- 3Développement commercial
- 1Marketing
- 1Opérations
- 1Assurance qualité
- 1Recherche
- 1Ventes
Les études des employés
- 1Sécurité / sûreté de l’information des systèmes informatiques
- 1Ingénierie
- 1Langue et littérature allemandes
- 1Économie
- 1Administration et gestion des affaires, général
- 1Finance, général
- 1Commerce international
Les écoles ou universités des employés
- 1Delta State University, Nigeria
- 1Universidad Nacional de Salta
- 1Park University
- 1University of Maryland
- 1Montreal College of Information Technology
Agro Inc. is an integrated provider of agricultural products and services linking farmers to markets. Our agro-industrial firm specializes in the establishment and management of industrial as well as smallholders' plantations and allied processing and down stream industries. The primary focus of our tree crops centers on oil palm and natural rubber plantations.
Agro Inc recently diversified activities towards cassava-based food, feed, and industrial products manufacturing and established MRU Energy, Ltd. to develop and market biomass and biofuel products and solutions from leftover agricultural waste generated through the production and manufacturing processes.
As a leading pan-African agribusiness providing post-harvest services, Agro Inc. bridges the gaps in the value chain to connect producers and users of agri-commodities through origination, processing, marketing and distribution capabilities and services. Our complete integration allows us to add value and manage the various risks along the supply chain from the farm gates in the producing countries to the factory gates of our customers in destination markets.