Stimbok Corporation
Nombre d'employés
2-10 employés
Contacts LinkedIn
1 membre associé
Edmonton, Alberta
Contact ou site web
Commerce et développement international
Compétences recherchées
- 1Parler en public
- 1Enseignement
- 1Santé mentale
- 1Coaching
- 1Désintoxication
- 1Recherche fondamentale
- 1Management
- 1Gestion de projet
- 1Microsoft Office
- 1Organisations à but non lucratif
- 1Planification stratégique
- 1en communication interculturelle
- 1Organisation d’événements
- 1Réseaux sociaux
- 1Stratégie d’entreprise
Les postes occupés par les employés
- 1Développement commercial
Les études des employés
- 1Biochimie et biologie moléculaire
- 1Psychologie
- 1Psychologie clinique, de conseil et psychologie appliquée
- 1Psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle
Les écoles ou universités des employés
- 1Griffith University
- 1Athabasca University
- 1University of Cape Town
With Africa at the heart of our focus is to create collaborations and partnerships that will accelerate Sustainable Development Solutions that transform investment progress across the whole continent which will change the landscape of Africa's growth, through dedicated platforms, tools and workstreams.
Stimbok Corporation is a Canadian company that is working on the African continent to develop partnerships between our Canadian and African clients to provide sustainable development solutions for bankable projects in Smart Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Infrastructure and Capacity Building. Stimbok Corporation is your Sustainable Development Partner, Consultant, and Investor.