Nombre d'employés
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Compétences recherchées
- 17Gestion de projet
- 12Microsoft Excel
- 12Microsoft Office
- 11Management
- 10Planification stratégique
- 9Recherche fondamentale
- 9Planification de projets
- 8analytiques
- 7Microsoft Word
- 7Microsoft PowerPoint
- 7Stratégie d’entreprise
- 7Service client
- 5Gestion des risques
- 5Vente
- 5Établissement du budget
Les postes occupés par les employés
- 9Opérations
- 9Services à la communauté et Services sociaux
- 7Administration
- 7Ingénierie
- 5Conseil
- 4Ventes
- 3Finance
- 3Développement commercial
- 2Technologies de l’information
- 2Armée et Services de protection
- 2Achats
- 1Comptabilité
- 1Service juridique
- 1Management de projets et de programmes
- 1Immobilier
Les études des employés
- 6Administration et gestion des affaires, général
- 4Économie
- 3environnementales
- 3Technologie / technicien de gestion de l’énergie et des systèmes
- 3Management de projet
- 3Comptabilité et finance
- 3Development Studies
- 2Sciences informatiques et de l’information et services apparentés
- 2Ingénierie électrique et électronique
- 2Entrepreneuriat / études entrepreneuriales
- 2Gestion des ressources humaines / administration du personnel, général
- 1Science environnementale
- 1Communication, général
- 1Technologies de l’information
- 1Mise en réseau de systèmes informatiques et télécommunications
Les écoles ou universités des employés
- 2The University of Salford
- 1Faculté de Droit, Sciences économiques et Gestion de Nancy
- 1Graduate School Of Management-Abidjan
- 1Strayer University
- 1Atlantic International University
- 1华北电力大学 (保定)
- 1Université de Bourgogne
- 1Indiana Wesleyan University
- 1HEC Paris
- 1University of the District of Columbia
- 1Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management
- 1Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
- 1Njala University
- 1Smith School of Business at Queen's University
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) organization was established by the highest decisionmaking body of ECOWAS, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of Member States, as a mechanism and institutional framework for integrating the national power systems of ECOWAS member countries. The objective of the WAPP is to establish a regional electricity market in West Africa through the judicious development and realization of key priority infrastructure that would permit the accessibility to economic energy resources, to all member states of the ECOWAS and help meet the energy needs of the ECOWAS citizens by providing least cost reliable and sustainable electricity supply for economic development. The Implementation Strategy of WAPP is based on developing complementary and mutually reinforcing infrastructure sub-programs, which will result in an integrated electricity system and market in West Africa. It is funded by the World Bank (WB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the KFW. Among the infrastructure sub-programs to be developed by the WAPP, there is the electrical interconnection between Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea (CLSG). This project aims to integrate these post-conflict countries in the regional electricity market created by the WAPP. In conformity with the above-mentioned enactment, the four countries have duly signed and ratified an International Treaty establishing a Regional Transmission Company (RTC) known as TRANSCO CLSG with the mandate to finance, construct, own, operate and further develop the CLSG transmission interconnector. CLSG project will give the following results: ● A 225-kV overhead transmission line of approximately 1,303 km across the four countries involved; ● Eleven (11) new 225 kV substations, five (5) in Liberia and one (1) in Guinea. ● Extension of an existing substation in Côte d’Ivoire; ● Installation of Static VAr Compensators at five substations