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Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) - AfDB

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51-200 employés

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Commerce et développement international


Evaluation, Knowledge Management, Learning et Evaluation Capacity Development


Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or "the Bank") is an independent function whose mission is to enhance the AfDB's development effectiveness. By conducting independent evaluations, validating self-evaluation products, engaging in partnerships, and proactively sharing evaluative knowledge and best practices, IDEV ensures that the Bank and its stakeholders learn from past experience and plan and deliver development activities to the highest possible standards.

IDEV carries out independent evaluations of Bank operations, processes, policies, and strategies, working across projects, sectors, themes, regions, and countries. IDEV conducts different types of evaluations, such as Project Cluster Evaluations, Country and Regional Strategy and Program Evaluations, Sector Evaluations, Thematic Evaluations, Corporate Evaluations, Impact Evaluations, and Evaluation Syntheses.

All of IDEV’s activities are designed to meet the following three key objectives:

1. To provide a basis for accountability to member countries, key stakeholders, citizens, and partners by documenting the use and results of the Bank Group's assistance;
2. To contribute to enhanced learning in the Bank and regional member countries, helping improve current and future policies, strategies, programs, projects, and processes;
3. To promote an evaluation culture within the Bank and in regional member countries to encourage a focus on development results, learning, and continuous quality improvement.

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