Nombre d'employés
2-10 employés
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2 membres associés
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Commerce et développement international
Compétences recherchées
- 1Stratégie
- 1Organisations non gouvernementales (ONG)
- 1Rédaction de demandes de subventions
- 1Rédaction de propositions
- 1Recherche fondamentale
- 1Management
- 1Renforcement des capacités
- 1Marketing
- 1Gestion de programmes
- 1Développement international
- 1Questions relatives à l’Afrique
- 1Microfinance
- 1Organisations à but non lucratif
- 1Planification stratégique
- 1Établissement du budget
Les postes occupés par les employés
- 2Opérations
- 1Arts et Design
- 1Développement commercial
Les études des employés
- 1Économie de développement et développement international
- 1Affaires / commerce, général
- 1Commerce international
Les écoles ou universités des employés
- 1American University
Jewelry, Jewelry Design, Women's Income Generation, Women's Empowerment, Social Enterprise, Socially Responsible Sourcing, Vocational Training, Professional Coaching, ethical fashion, Africa, Ivory Coast, Organic Materials, Artisans, Supply Chains, Quality Control et Women's Savings and Credit Associations
Muse Group is an American non-profit organization (501c3) that creates economic opportunities for low-income women in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Specifically, Muse Group's ethical jewelry brand, Callia, builds the capacity of rural women's associations to produce and supply organic and recycled beads. It then trains disadvantaged urban women to transform these materials into imaginative, multi-functional jewelry for export. In 18 months, Muse Group built a supply chain of 60 rural women, created 6 full-time jobs, and cultivated a portfolio of 30+ retail partners across 7 countries, including such prestigious clients as the Metrolpolitan Museum of Art in New York.