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Laboratoire Bio Connex Analytique

Nombre d'employés

11-50 employés

Contacts LinkedIn

7 membres associés


ABIDJAN, Lagoons

Contact ou site web


Commerce et développement international

Compétences recherchées

  • 1Traduction juridique
  • 1Services linguistiques
  • 1Localisation de sites web
  • 1Modes d’emploi
  • 1Relecture
  • 1Interprétariat
  • 1Italien
  • 1Multilingue
  • 1Langues étrangères
  • 1Anglais
  • 1Linguistique
  • 1Localisation linguistique
  • 1Communication interculturelle
  • 1Français
  • 1Espagnol

Les postes occupés par les employés

  • 3Recherche
  • 2Opérations
  • 2Administration
  • 1Médias et communication
  • 1Ventes
  • 1Enseignement

Les études des employés

  • 1Langue anglaise et littérature / lettres


Inspection/Analysis of Coffee and Cocoa, Inspection/Anlysis of Hydrocarbon, Inspection/Analysis of Industrial Agricultural Products, Food Chain Hygiene Audits, Implementation QSE programmes & training et Institutional Expertise and Quality Systems Implementation


LBCA was created in 2001 and does not belong to any industrial group, thus absolutely guaranteeing its complete impartiality.

Through our actions and our interventions we verify in a manner that is completely independent and impartial, the quantity and the quality of the marketed products in order to make safe the commercial transactions for the benefit of our customers.

At LBCA, we give a detailed attention to all our customers and visitors in offering them a courteous and personalized reception.

Any request in this direction is the subject of meticulous examination and tailored management, specific to each case for the benefit of our customers.

LBCA is the first food analysis laboratory of West Africa to being accredited according to the international standard NF IN ISO/CEI 17025.

After having received the recognition of our technical skills through the accreditationISO/CEI 17025 :2005 by COFRAC, we decided to undertake the implementation of a system of integrated management QSE whose official launching of the project of certification took place it Thursday May 7, 2010 in the centre of the laboratory.

This new system of management is built around the reference frames ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 14001 for the environment and the specification OHSAS 18001 for health and safety at work.
This initiative responds to the requirement to take into account the new challenges for sustainable and durable development and the continual improvement of our performance.