Nombre d'employés
2-10 employés
Contacts LinkedIn
1 membre associé
Banques d’investissement
Compétences recherchées
- 1Résolution de problèmes
- 1Leadership
- 1Relations internationales
- 1Management
- 1Gestion de projet
- 1Négociation
- 1Planification stratégique
- 1Montage
- 1Business-to-Business (BtoB)
- 1Service client
Les postes occupés par les employés
- 1Entrepreneuriat
Les études des employés
- 1Économie de gestion
- 1Finance, général
Les écoles ou universités des employés
- 1Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
product market fit, market insights, innovative business model, African markets, telco, mobility, logistics, infrastructure netwwork, retail 3.0, distibution network, entertainement, travel, fintechs, USP discovery, business developement, business strategy, marketing et AFRICA
VAS&Cie support founders and investors in the entrepreuneurship journey of their investment.
As ventures builders we offer a range of supportives services from scouting to operations management . We use a rigourous frameworks to scan companies statement and bring the most personnalized support leveraging on company's strenghs and following market insigths.